The Everyone Can Learn programme is set to revolutionize access to education and vital information for vulnerable and marginalized communities. Spearheaded by Women Lead Africa Founder and Executive Director, Mpule Kgetsi, and Educational Consultant, Dudzai Talent Kahuni, this innovative initiative aims to address the challenges faced by individuals from isolated areas and marginalized social groups who struggle with access to education and information due to limited literacy capabilities.

The programme responds to a pressing need identified through Botswana Inclusive Education Policy (2011), which states that many who are attending school are not learning, or not learning as much as they could in a more flexible system. This means that even though information may be available in various written forms, for non-writers or readers the barriers to accessing it still persist resulting in them being excluded from actively and meaningfully participating on critical issues affecting their lives such as governance, policy making and acquiring basic life skills.

To bridge this gap, the Everyone Can Learn programme introduces an inclusive learning tool comprising two key components. The first component features a booklet utilizing interactive pictorial illustrations to convey essential life skills such as self-care, communication, and interpersonal relationships. The booklet will be availed in both print and digital formats, this booklet is designed to be accessible to non-readers and non-writers.

The second component involves conducting workshops to distribute the booklet and train non-readers and their guardians on its use. This practical approach ensures that children and young people can actively engage with and benefit from this resource.

Notably, the initiative received a grant through the US Embassy’s Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF). Mpule Kgetsi and Dudzai Talent Kahuna, both alumnis of US Exchange programs , are driving forces behind this groundbreaking programme.

“There is need for a more flexible system to ensure that all individuals, regardless of literacy levels, can actively learn and participate in critical issues affecting their lives, such as governance, policy-making, and acquiring basic life skills.” stated Mpule Kgetsi.

The Everyone Can Learn programme marks a pivotal step toward creating an inclusive learning environment, empowering marginalized communities, and breaking down barriers to education and information access in Botswana.


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